Blog entry #7: Fresh

 After watching Fresh it made me think of the types of foods I eat and how they are made. I think the purpose of this film is to make people aware of the food they're buying and the thing the farmers may go through. The audience I believe is towards all food buying customers in the United States.

The tone is kind of modern, not everyone is being serious in the film they are just living their everyday life. I was surprised that they gave away worms, I would think you'd want some of them or would want to at least make a profit on them. This film kind of grossed me out because I'm not a fan of the whole process of actually getting the foods and the way they get the meat. I think this film is educating and everyone who buys these products should be educated on them.

This film defiantly matters, It gives the perspective of the farmers them selfs which seems like the best people to get information from. It's probably simpler as Americans to not know the issues of what we eat but it's definitely not better. I think we should bother to care because this is something that directly involves us and what is going into our bodies.


  1. Hi Alyssa! I also thought it was a little gross to know the story behind how we get our food but it was very interesting to see that farms don’t really care about the consumers health. There are some farmers that take pride in their farming and make it very clear that farmers should start caring about how they growing their crops or livestock.


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